Pond vs Pondless – Some Things to Consider

Water features are a great way to experience the many benefits of the waterscape lifestyle. Including personalizing your outdoor living space and providing a place that wildlife will love. Determining which type of water feature you will have is the first step in designing your backyard oasis. If you’ve done any amount of research than you may have already discovered there are a multitude of different types of water features.

Pondless Stream with Several Waterfall Drops Piece of Accent Driftwood

Two of the most popular choices include pond and pondless features. The names are self explanatory, but it still may be hard to imagine exactly why you would pick one over the other.

Here’s a quick overview of things you want to consider for both a pondless feature or a regular ecosystem pond. 


A pondless feature is exactly as it sounds, pondless – no pool of standing water. Most pondless features, including fountains, hide the water in an underground basin which is either a large plastic container or a custom structure made out of milk crate like blocks called Aquablocks.

Sideview Diagram of Pondless Waterfall and List of Its Components

There is an endless variety of options on what can be placed on top of this structure. Some typical options include waterfalls, spillway bowls, basalt columns and stacked urns. Since there’s no need for any standing water you can fit a pondless feature in almost any space, making it a perfect feature to brighten up anything from a townhouse to a mansion.

3 Pictures Featuring Fountain Rocks, Dry Stated Urn And Spillway Bowl

Whether you choose a fountain or waterfall, maintenance on a pondless feature is a breeze and can be done on a monthly or as needed basis. Chlorine tablets can be used regularly to keep the water crystal clear and clean. Debris can easily be picked out as needed and there should be easy access to the pump in case it needs servicing. Of course you can always have a pond professional maintain your feature(s) instead, making maintenance a snap.



If you want a larger feature, or specifically want to have fish, then an ecosystem pond is exactly what you need. Ecosystem ponds can be as small as an 18” bowl sitting on your patio to as large as a swimming pool.

Patio Pond With Bamboo Water Fountain and Water Lily

Your imagination and budget are truly the only  limits to what your pond can be.
An ecosystem pond, when built properly, will need minimal weekly and monthly maintenance.

A pond offers a hub of activity with the possibility of fish, waterfalls, fountains, plants, and a cool place to wade or swim during the hot summer months. If you want to begin your pond life journey with a smaller budget you can always start with a smaller pond, or a patio pond, and add on later.

Pond With Waterfall with Pond Plants and Landscaping Around Edge of Pond

The Bottom Line

It comes down to budget and size. If you are limited on space then a pondless may give better aesthetics per square foot. The pondless will take less time and money to maintain, however doesn’t allow for fish. On the other hand, a ecosystem pond can sustain fish, plants, and completely change the atmosphere of any outside living area.

Which one do you think is the best for your yard?

July 24, 2019