Have you ever had to ask yourself “Did I add a scoop of beneficial bacteria to the pond this week?”
Are you afraid of adding beneficial bacteria because you don’t want to add too much or too little?
Maybe you didn’t even know that you should be adding at least beneficial bacteria to your pond weekly.
Sadly, many new pond customers we meet don’t know about the benefit of adding a quality beneficial bacteria and other water treatments to their pond
Beneficial Bacteria will reduce fish waste and its byproduct ammonia, organic plant material, sludge, pond scum, and excess nutrients in your pond or water feature.
If you have a hard time remembering to add or are uncomfortable adding treatments to your pond; there is great product available that will take the guess work out of treating your pond
The Aquascape Automatic Dosing System water treatments are specially formulated to maintain ponds containing fish and plants. When used with our Automatic Dosing System, treatments are automatically added consistently throughout the day, providing optimum water quality and clarity.
Here are four treatment bags available for your pond.
1. Maintain for Ponds
Uses a combination of beneficial bacteria, enzymes and a powerful phosphate binder to reduce pond maintenance and maintain optimum water quality resulting in a crystal-clear maintenance free pond.
2. Clean for Ponds
Reduces organic waste caused by fish waste, uneaten fish food, leaves and debris that fall into the pond. Keeping ponds free from organic debris helps optimize water clarity and quality. Aquascape Clean contains a powerful combination of sludge eating bacteria and enzymes.
3. Clear for Ponds
Controlling water quality can be difficult and possibly harmful to fish and plants if done incorrectly. Aquascape Clear can now be added to the pond slowly and consistently reducing issues caused when shock treating the pond with a single treatment.
4. Protect for Ponds
Made from natural plant extracts chosen for their natural healing properties that will reduce fish stress, prevent parasites and bacterial infections..
If you’d like to learn more about pond maintenance we’ve developed a comprehensive Guide to Pond Maintenance that is available to you FOR FREE just click the link below.