For most of us here in the Mid-Atlantic region the summer season has some pretty awesome benefits! From farmers markets, picnics, and countless outdoor & water activities. If you’ve lived in this area for any length of time chances are you’ve also experienced the “not-so-good” side of summer too.The area can sometimes see extended periods of heat, lack of rainfall, and dry windy weather that can wreak havoc on the landscape.
Below we’ve gathered some useful summertime tips that can help you keep your yard a healthy and enjoyable space all season long.
For your convenience a printable version of our plant watering instructions is available below.
In addition to watering try some of our other summer maintenance tips to keep your yard looking it’s best all season long:
Trees and ShrubsTrees and shrubs watch for pests and begin treating as soon as you notice activity. Many insects will attack plants while they are under stress from dry conditions.
PerennialsSome varieties of flowering perennials can be dead-headed to promote another round of blooms!
WeedsWeeds grow fast in warmer temperatures and steal water and nutrients from your desirable garden plants. Be sure to address them quickly BEFORE they have a chance to bloom and go to seed, spreading all over your yard.
MulchMulch is not only useful in winter, it also helps keeps roots cool and help preserve soil moisture during drought like conditions.
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you have about watering and caring for your plants or general lawn care.